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A list of all your users with their names, emails, and courses they have access to and status is displayed in the table. In the status column, we have two options. The green dot shows that the user activated his account and the red dot is used if the account hasn’t been activated. Account is activated when the user clicks on the link in the email they receive after purchasing your course or if you add the user through the user module.

User table

How to manually add user

You can manually add users. To add a new user, click Create user.

Enter the user’s First Name, Last Name, and Email, and choose the Courses they can access. After all the information, click the Save User button.

How to edit user

If needed you can edit user information or courses. Users can be quickly found with the search box. Start searching by typing an email, name, or last name. When you find the user simply click on the name or on the pencil icon.
User information will appear on a new screen where you can change the information you need. After changes click the Save User button.

How to resend activation email

If a user doesn’t activate their account in 48 hours, the activation link expires. That means that the link will no longer work. If you wish to send the user new activation link, go to Users in your dashboard, find the user with the search bar. Check if the user has a red dot in the Staus column. If there is a red dot, click on the edit icon and on the bottom right click on the button RESEND ACTIVATION LINK.The user will receive a new activation link email.
