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How to create an Online Course

How to start creating a course

You can access course builder from your main menu in a dashboard: Dashboard > Courses or from home: Dashboard > Home: My Courses > New Course

To create a new course go to:

  1. Courses
  2. Create new course – click on the button on the top left
  3. If you have no courses created yet, there is no previous step, you are immediately taken to the next step: Select a template
  4. Select the course template you want to use. See Course templates to learn more about prepared course templates.

Or go to:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Under Courses select Create new Course
  3. Select the course template you want to use. See Course templates to learn more about prepared course templates.

Fitcrea Dashboard new course

Choose a course template

There are 6 course templates available:

  • Blank Template – Start with a blank canvass and build your own course the way you want to and meet your specific needs.
  • Mini Course – Create a free or low-cost mini-course to generate leads and build your brand.
  • Online Course – Build a full online course using an outline created by experts.
  • Drip Course – Create a course with content released over a period of time. Specify when content is available to your users.
  • Collection Course – Create a lessons library where lessons can be consumed in any kind of order. Users can search the lessons by tags and titles. There is no progression.
  • Masterclass – Create a webinar replay or a masterclass. A webinar is typically a one-hour live class on a specific topic. It serves as an introduction to your bigger offer and is essentially a sales call.

Course templates contain a prepared structure with modules and lessons. The first lesson named Instructions for this template helps you understand the structure and includes guidelines for creating the course with this template. You can customize everything to fit your vision.

Course templates

Basic Info

After choosing the course template fill out the basic info, you can always edit all the info later:

  1. Name the course.
  2. Set the price, the default price is set at 0,00€.
  3. Set the difficulty – this is not necessary and can be left blank if you do not have a difficulty level for your course
  4. Choose lesson layout – choose the way your lesson looks for your users, you can change this later on
  5. Course description – This description will appear to your users the first time they start the course and in the app under My courses, Select a course – Description
  6. Upload image – this image is visible as the main course image and shows in the users app on their home screen with the course name and CTA button Start. To upload the image click on the square where it says No file chosen and a file manager will open. Select the folder, in the folder select your image, and then click open. If you want to change the image, click on the image you wish to change, and the file manager will open, select the folder where your new image is, select the new image by clicking on it, then select open.

When you have filled out the required information click SAVE to save the changes.

When you fill out the basic info, the app will generate the course structure according to the chosen template. You can learn more about course templates here.

Course templates

Modules and lessons

What is a module?

A module is a section that contains at least one or more lessons. Each course is structured as follows:
Course > modules > lessons > videos, text, materials

How to add new module

  1. Select the course you wish to edit
  2. When you see the course structure click on the top left button: + New Module
  3. Rename the module – To rename the module click on the edit icon next to the module name
  4. Rearrange the order of modules – If you wish to change the order of the modules you can do so by hovering your mouse over the dots on the left side of the module name you wish to move. Then drag and drop the module to the position you want. To move the modules you need have at least 2 modules already created.
  5. Deleting a module – To delete a module, the module needs to be empty, if there are still lessons inside the module you can not delete the module. Move the lessons to other modules or delete them, then proceed,
    To delete the module click on the red cross on the far side of the module you want to delete. Deleting the module is permanent, always be sure before deleting as you will lose all the data in the deleted module.

Modules and Lessons

What is a lesson?

Lessons are subsections that contain learning materials. There are 2 different types of lessons: video and text lessons. Lessons divide your course content into digestible smaller parts.

How to add new lesson

  1. Select the course you wish to edit
  2. In every created module you can add a new lesson. Click on the bottom left button: + New video lesson if you wish to create a video lesson or + New Text Lesson if you wish to create a Text Lesson. To learn more about different lessons click here.
  3. To edit the lesson click on the edit icon on the right of the lesson you wish to change.
  4. If you wish to change the order of the lesson you can do so by hovering your mouse over the dots on the left side of the lesson you wish to move. Then drag and drop the lesson to the position you want. You can move the lesson to another module as well.
  5. To delete the lesson click on the red cross on the far side of the lesson you want to delete. Deleting the lesson is permanent, always be sure before deleting as you will lose all the data in the deleted lesson.

Modules and Lessons

Preview and publish a course

Preview a course

To preview the course while you are building click on the top right button named: Preview in the application. This allows you to see your course the way your users will see it.

Publish a course

There are two ways to publish a course

Go to courses, select the course you wish to publish, go to Basic info or Modules and Lessons page and on the top right click on the red button Publish.

Once the course is published your users will be able to see and buy it. Before publishing only admins have access to courses. You CAN NOT un-publish and draft the course again.

To check if the course is published go to Courses and next to the name of the course is Status of the course: Published or Drafted.

Preview and publish a course